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One of if not the best VR game I've ever played. It's extremely polished, and stays true to everything VR while having to shake up the mechanics a LOT due to the nature of its gameplay. I beat everything (short of 50/20 hehe) that is has to offer!
Play UCN VR here!
Shifty 01's 50/20 win • I Beat 50/20 Mode VR NDC (First Victor)
DJSterf all challenges UCN VR • 🏭⚡🔋 FNaF Ultimate Custom Night VR: Al...
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Mostly Edited by:
Music in this video:
Analog Sunrise - Boneworks OST
Bianco Hills - SMS OST
Luckily and Happily - baegel
Blue Sky Athletics - SMG OST
Those Darn Bungers - Bugsnax OST
Bone Theme - Boneworks OST
You Know You Know - Forever Sunset
Back to Business - William Benckert
Circus - Carl Henriksson
All Nite - SLCT
The Museum - Boneworks OST
Dust till Dawn - Dusty Decks
00:00 Bears Attack 1
4:03 Bears Attack 2
11:03 Bears Attack 3
13:03 Pay Attention 1
16:17 Pay Attention 2
19:00 Ladies Night 1
21:57 Ladies Night 2
25:19 Ladies Night 3
30:24 Creepy Crawlies 1
32:58 Creepy Crawlies 2
38:27 Chaos 1
40:18 Chaos 2
45:06 Nightmares Attack
49:27 Springtrapped
52:09 Old Friends
1:01:06 CHAOS 3
1:15:26 40/20
#spiff #fnaf #vr