
i love that whenever deedee shows up in this version of the game, she flies in with the propeller on her hat, like a lil helicopter child of pain and suffering


the fact this is a fanmade recreation in vr is absolutely insane
it only even occured to me that this wasn't official because i realised that if it was an official release, i would have seen the game from my other subscribed channels


spiffs sponsor not even shipping to his country is actually hysterical


spiff giving his sponsors shit always makes me feel more confident in his ads over other youtubers, like i dont think a cashgrab product ad would feature the youtuber berating their sponsor over shipping practices


After watching Markipliers hours of streaming this game, Everytime anyone dies to Funtime Foxy I grumble "every hour on the hour".


I love how Toy Freddy's camera has an 'audio muted' notification. He must be cursing up a storm while he games.


Spiff’s streams really hit hard when you are bored and sick


Spiff casually revealing that he decided to cosplay a stripper on rec room is fucking hilarious


This is a fan game?! It’s so high quality, I 100% thought it was official!


0:53 this is exactly why I never mention how many hours I have in any game ever cuz 90% of the time they try one upping you 😭


This man is determined to beat every FNaF game…


oh my god this looks so hectic.  as insane as regular UCN is, you still have a ton of hotkeys so you can do a bunch of different actions very fast, as well as camera-stalling.  this is just raw unfiltered chaos


VR already gives me a headache after a few hours. I can't imagine what it'd be like constantly stressed and jumpscared


11:24 DeeDee adds Chat to Spiff’s night
14:17 Meanwhile, the only time DeeDee has been a threat because if who she adds instead of figuring out who she added (aside from some of the XOR animatronics, as well as a few edge cases)


Loaf comment if Loaf shows up and I hope she does
2:36 Blurry sponsor Loaf
5:35 kitty costume looking oddly a lot like Loaf
01:01:09 Hey Loaf
01:01:20 Chaos 3 "petting Spiff's cat"
01:01:47 Spigg and Loaf style
01:04:25 Loaf's chair now


These videos continue to display a relentless trend of spiff treating the animatronics like pets and failing miserably at keeping them in line


Thinking about playing any game in VR gives me nightmares. You are a real trooper, dude. Respect


I don't know if anyone else really loves how spiff's been releasing longer videos recently, I like to watch the vods but it's nice to have some more curated long form content. Thank ya spiffy


i dont know why but the way balloon boy just yanks the balloon and sign out of nowhere at 0:35 is just hilarious to me


Until you mentioned at the end, I thought this was a main series game. This is absolutely incredible for a fan game.