Enoy this new ambience Royal Library Room with Rain & Thunderstorm Sounds for Study, Sleep and ASMR with Crackling Fireplace.
The winding staircase creaks under your feet. You pass an ornate statue as you scan the Royal Library’s collections of books and antiquities. Rain falls softly on the roof above as you pull out a dusty, ancient tome. You smile as you open the book and return down the staircase.
Seated in a cozy armchair, you pause and reflect on the perfect study ambience of the library, enjoying the quiet tranquility. Kept warm by the crackling fireplace, you make yourself comfortable, safe from the thunderstorm outside. Your thoughts wander as you sit in silent reflection. The accumulated wisdom and history of countless generations are within the leatherbound covers of the books all around you—and you have it all to yourself.
Hope you enjoy it!
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► Preparation of this Ambience:
All of New Bliss content including the Scenario, Animation and Audio are completely original resulting in weeks of preparation and work.
At first stage, this ambience was made in 3D, after that painted and animated on Adobe After Effects.
The soundscape, created apart is added on the final rendering.
This is a 3d mock-up of the occlusion pass scene that I´m showing you, before the painting and animation:
Software used:
Blender 3D
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe After Effects
Da Vinci Resolve
Interested to see all the creating process?
► Check out and see how I make my videos:
• How I make my videos [3D Concept + Ph...
► Check out my Playlists:
Rain Ambiences: bit.ly/2Mm3Lyf
Snowing Ambiences: bit.ly/2zLWwgI
Relaxing Music: bit.ly/2zM7m6n
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Facebook: www.facebook.com/newblissrelaxing
Twitter: twitter.com/NewBliss3
Tingles: bit.ly/2U57yUZ
Website: gumroad.com/newbliss
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Many thanks to everyone for listening and for leaving your comment.
If you want to make suggestions please feel free to do so in the comments
After Effects, Artwork and Animations by New Bliss ©
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