To the person reading this, Good Luck! Don't stress, everything will be fine. No matter what difficulty you are facing right now, you can overcome it! You are strong and brave.
Woke up at two thinking it really was raining went right back to sleep 🗣️💯
Listening to this music on a winter night is pure joy. To everyone reading this comment, stay warm! ☃🎵
Everyone; If you are feeling down today, remember this: Life has its ups and downs! No matter how bad you feel for how long, you will always get better in the end. But if you are ok or not, hang on to what you believe in and who you are. I hope that you have an amazing day, whether it’s tomorrow, today, or in a few weeks! This music is lovely, it really helps with just relaxing and forgetting about problems. So take the time it took you to read this, and forget that you have any problems 🖤
This is much needed for people who have never experienced an ounce of peace and quiet in their lives. This is what I imagine living alone in a cabin out in the wilderness would feel like. Pure tranquility.
Beautiful sound. If you are reading this, don't forget, someone somewhere is wishing you all the best. 💖
Idk how people disliked this, you came for rain and you got rain, it's not gona sound different than the rain outside your house
I hope even if it’s just 1 single person that sees this, that they have an amazing day and an even better future! 💖💖💖
Imagine the smell of the books combined with the calm of the rain, the warm of the fire and the smell of it. It would be so comfy.
I could spend hours in a place like this.
I could live in here❤ It's SO cozy,it has books...,it warms my feels like home and favorite place❤🥹
This is insane. I cannot believe the level of work that goes into making these rooms for YouTube ambience videos. Truly beautiful.
Wishing everyone that watches this video has a comfortable sleep and all their anxieties are washed away with the rain ☔
To anyone reading this.... you got this! Whatever it takes, its already installed inside of you❤ you can overcome anything 💪
I can't really explain how but this made me feel relaxed. From sound of rain to the thundering to the visual. I always wished that I could have a room to myself so when it's raining I can close the door, cut off the lights, open the curtains and just read or study or just listen to every drop of rain until I get tired. Unfortunately that hasn't happened yet but I pray it would and soon. To anyone reading this, have a great day and thank you for reading my little rant!
Thunderstorms over sunny days every time. Gimme all of the thunders.
What I really love is the thunder storm outside sounds random. Some videos have the exact same thunder clap every 15 seconds like clockwork. This one has several different types of thunder and they're all spaced out so you don't even notice the overlap. Just a nice rumble every now and then to remind you it's still there. Exquisite. <3
For me there is nothing better than sleeping on a rainy night, ở getting up on a rainy day and having something warm
May I order a delicious chai tea for my studies?:hydrate: ☕