There are A LOT of water type Pokemon. But have you ever wondered what they are based on? Why are they water type? What are their origins and inspirations? Today we cover just that!
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Editor: Smoof:
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If you've asked any of these questions, than this video is for you:
Why is squirtle water type?
Why is wartortle water type?
Why is blastoise water type?
Why is psyduck water type?
Why is golduck water type?
Why isn’t golduck gold?
Why is poliwag water type?
Why is poliwhirl water type?
Why is poliwrath water type?
Why is seel water type?
Why is dewgong water type?
Why is shellder water type?
Why is cloyster water type?
Why is krabby water type?
Why is kingler water type?
Why is horsea water type?
Why is seadra water type?
Why is kingdra water type?
Why is goldeen water type?
Why is seaking water type?
Why is staryu water type?
Why is starmie water type?
Why is magikarp water type?
Why is gyarados water type?
Why is vaporeon water type?
Why is totodile water type?
Why is croconaw water type?
Why is feraligatr water type?
Why is politoed water type?
Why is remoraid water type?
Why is octillery water type?
Why does remoraid evolve into octillery?
Why is suicune water type?
Why is mudkip water type?
Why is marshtomp water type?
Why is swampert water type?
Why is wailmer water type?
Why is wailord water type?
Why is corphish water type?
Why is crawdaunt water type?
Why is feebas water type?
Why is milotic water type?
Why is castform water type?
Why is clamperl water type?
Why is huntail water type?
Why is gorebyss water type?
Why is luvdisc water type?
Why is kyogre water type?
Why is piplup water type?
Why is prinplup water type?
Why is empoleon water type?
Why is buizel water type?
Why is floatzel water type?
Why is shellos water type?
Why is gastrodon water type?
Why is finneon water type?
Why is lumineon water type?
Why is phione water type?
Why is manaphy water type?
Why is oshawott water type?
Why is dewott water type?
Why is samurott water type?
Why is panpour water type?
Why is simipour water type?
Why is tympole water type?
Why is palpitoad water type?
Why is seismitoad water type?
Why is basculin water type?
Why is alomomola water type?
Why is froakie water type?
Why is frogadier water type?
Why is greninja water type?
Why is clauncher water type?
Why is clawitzer water type?
Why is popplio water type?
Why is brionne water type?
Why is primarina water type?
Why is wishiwashi water type?
Why is pyukumuku water type?
Why is tentacool water type?
Why is tentacruel water type?
Why is slowpoke water type?
Why is slowbro water type?
Why is slowking water type?
Why is lapras water type?
Why is chinchou water type?
Why is lanturn water type?
Why is marill water type?
Why is azumarill water type?
Why is wooper water type?
Why is quagsire water type?
Why is mantine water type?
Why is qwilfish water type?
Why is corsola water type?
Why is lotad water type?
Why is lombre water type?
Why is ludicolo water type?
Why is wingull water type?
Why is pelipper water type?
Why is carvanha water type?
Why is sharpedo water type?
Why is barboach water type?
Why is whiscash water type?
Why is relicanth water type?
Why is mantyke water type?
Why is palkia water type?
Why is tirtouga water type?
Why is carracosta water type?
Why is ducklett water type?
Why is swanna water type?
Why is frillish water type?
Why is jellicent water type?
Why is keldeo water type?
Why is dewpider water type?
Why is araquanid water type?
Why is bruxish water type?
Why is tapu fini water type?
Why is omanyte water type?
Why is omastar water type?
Why is kabuto water type?
Why is kabutops water type?
Why is surskit water type?
Why is spheal water type?
Why is sealeo water type?
Why is walrein water type?
Why is bibarel water type?
Why is wash rotom water type?
Why is binacle water type?
Why is barbaracle water type?
Why is skrelp water type?
Why isn’t dragalge water type?
Why is volcanion water type?
Why is mareanie water type?
Why is toxapex water type?
Why is wimpod water type?
Why is golisopod water type?
Gnoggin, hosted by its creator Lockstin, is a show delving into the mysteries of Pokemon! (and other games sometimes too). Explaining everything there is to explain! Why is each Pokemon given the type it has? What are their origins? What is the lore of the Pokemon world and the design inspirations? And what does it all have to do with alchemy? Let's Go find out!