When I was younger I thought Feebas looked like a microwaved version of Magikarp so, I thought you could get Feebas by having Magikarp on your team with 5 fire Pokémon so it could get dried up... Yeah I’m stupid
Suicune is water type due to the story behind the three legendary beasts, which are cats (Entei is a lion, Raikou a tiger and Suicune a leopard) Raikou represents the lightning bolt that struck the tower, Entei represents the flames that engulfed the tower and Suicune represents the rain that put it out
a terrible vaporeon tragedy: *vaporeon becomes water in a glass* a careless trainer: *drinks vaporeon*
Vaporion: *turns to water Me: *fills bottle with it and puts in the fridge Gongrats vaporion transformed in glaceon
Lockstin: Vaporeon is the most “literally water” water type Rainy form Castform: I guess I’m not a thing then
What mostly upsets me about all of this... No, not Remoraid being a gun. No, not Feebas looking like a corpse of a Magikarp. No, not the fact that, in Pokémon GO's Tentacool's Pokédex entry says that it dries up on land. Gorebyss' shell-bra.
I love how they recently rediscovered coelacanths, like we really thought they were extinct, they literally have armour and are cool
"Suicune shouldn't be water type!!!" he says, neglecting to mention its entire in canon backstory about how it was resurrected and given the water type to represent the rain that doused the fire that killed it.
Lockstin: "Sharpedo is fast, yo!" Anyone Who Played the SwSh DLC: "You have no idea"
Lockstin: “aquatic or semi-aquatic mammals” My mind: Perry the Platypus
7:14 "Remember Basculin? Because i don't." Well good news you'll remember it for sure because of its evolution Basculegion!
The Humuhumunukunukuapua'a is the best name for a fish
“name a pokemon that’s literally water” me: Castform’s Rainy Form “Vaporeon” me: wut
“Tale of the gallant jiraiya” that just earned you a like, buddy
I know this is two years old but, can we legit get a shir that says, clears throat "Special Rear Gland Ejection Techniques?" Lmao
Sir, I applaud you for your pronunciation of the Humuhumunukunukuapua'a. I am from Hawaii, and I approve of your effort. 🤙🏼
3:49 It's a gun that evolves into a bigger gun Americans: eyes glow
I always thought as kid that Palkia is water because the whole space/god theme of sinnoh legends. Dialga represents a solid (steel), Palkia represents liquid (water) and Giratina represents gasses (ghost). Palkia - Liquid Dialga - Solid Giratina - Gas Suicune is water because of the 3 legendary beasts Johto legend, theres some story about thunderbolt that struck a tower, a fire that broke out and then rain that put out the fire. Hence Entei, Raiku, suicune, when ho-oh revived them and gave them their powers based on what went down at that temple place thing.
19:23 That's the English translator's fault for categorizing Blastoise that. In Japan, it's referred to as the Shell Pokemon alongside Kabutops, but the English category refers them as the Shellfish Pokemon. They do commonly change categories in the localization with multiple Pokemon like Flygon and Xatu (Spirit Pokemon to Mystic Pokemon which still makes sense for Xatu and Flygon... sort of) alongside Chimchar and Grookey (Small Monkey Pokemon to the Chimp Pokemon, but it makes sense for Chimchar)