SUMMERTIME-EASY SONG - Learn the Modal Sound of McCoy Tyner - Fourth Voicings and Quartal Harmony.
Kent Hewitt
SUMMERTIME-EASY SONG - Learn the Modal Sound of McCoy Tyner - Fourth Voicings and Quartal Harmony.
BEBOP LICK EXERCISE - using Altered Dominant 7ths- 2 -5-1 Exercise - Cycle of 5ths.
Kent Hewitt
BEBOP LICK EXERCISE - using Altered Dominant 7ths- 2 -5-1 Exercise - Cycle of 5ths.
"BE MY LOVE"- Barry Harris Arrangement -Diminished 6th Scale and Chords applied- drop 2 voicings.
Kent Hewitt
"BE MY LOVE"- Barry Harris Arrangement -Diminished 6th Scale and Chords applied- drop 2 voicings.
OVER THE RAINBOW-A jazz interpretation employing Reharmonization. Jazz Ranch Tutorial.
Kent Hewitt
OVER THE RAINBOW-A jazz interpretation employing Reharmonization. Jazz Ranch Tutorial.
REHARMONIZATION: "I GOT IT BAD" How to enrichen and personalize a simple song- special tips.
Kent Hewitt
REHARMONIZATION: "I GOT IT BAD" How to enrichen and personalize a simple song- special tips.
BUY JAZZ BOOK - GET FREE APPENDIX- (140 pages of exercises) New Years Sale extended --Watch Video.
Kent Hewitt
BUY JAZZ BOOK - GET FREE APPENDIX- (140 pages of exercises) New Years Sale extended --Watch Video.
START IMPROVISING- Over easy chord progression: I-IV-III-VI-II-V-I. Explanation of scales and modes
Kent Hewitt
START IMPROVISING- Over easy chord progression: I-IV-III-VI-II-V-I. Explanation of scales and modes
HAPPY BIRTHDAY- PLAYED 10 WAYS!  Free music download on website - see link below. Jazz Ranch.
Kent Hewitt
HAPPY BIRTHDAY- PLAYED 10 WAYS! Free music download on website - see link below. Jazz Ranch.
PRELUDE TO A KISS- Performance and Breakdown- How Chromaticism works in melodies and harmonies.
Kent Hewitt
PRELUDE TO A KISS- Performance and Breakdown- How Chromaticism works in melodies and harmonies.
BUY JAZZ BOOK - GET FREE APPENDIX- (140 pages of exercises) Watch Video here: 1000's sold.
Kent Hewitt
BUY JAZZ BOOK - GET FREE APPENDIX- (140 pages of exercises) Watch Video here: 1000's sold.
"I'LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS"- a performance and tutorial on creating a good arrangement - JAZZ RANCH
Kent Hewitt
"I'LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS"- a performance and tutorial on creating a good arrangement - JAZZ RANCH
O COME EMMANUEL - a Jazz Interpretation, with Pedal Tones and Reharmonization. Jazz Ranch Tutorial
Kent Hewitt
O COME EMMANUEL - a Jazz Interpretation, with Pedal Tones and Reharmonization. Jazz Ranch Tutorial
MODAL JAZZ: Maiden Voyage- Quartal Harmony,  Pentatonic Scales for Improvisation. ADVANCED CONCEPTS.
Kent Hewitt
MODAL JAZZ: Maiden Voyage- Quartal Harmony, Pentatonic Scales for Improvisation. ADVANCED CONCEPTS.
BUY JAZZ BOOK- get 140 pg. Appendix of exercises for free. 1000's sold. Best deal - The Jazz Ranch.
Kent Hewitt
BUY JAZZ BOOK- get 140 pg. Appendix of exercises for free. 1000's sold. Best deal - The Jazz Ranch.
DOMINANT 7th #9 CHORDS: in the song "Laurie", by Bill Evans, Cool Chords Tutorial - The Jazz Ranch
Kent Hewitt
DOMINANT 7th #9 CHORDS: in the song "Laurie", by Bill Evans, Cool Chords Tutorial - The Jazz Ranch
BILL EVANS CONCEPTS: "My One and Only Love", - Jazz Ranch Tutorial w/ Free Score Download
Kent Hewitt
BILL EVANS CONCEPTS: "My One and Only Love", - Jazz Ranch Tutorial w/ Free Score Download
MASTER CLASS in Turnarounds- Chord progressions with best voice leading in spread voicings.
Kent Hewitt
MASTER CLASS in Turnarounds- Chord progressions with best voice leading in spread voicings.
SUPER COOL EXERCISE; 251s in all 12 Minor Keys. Cycle of 5ths. This is the SOUND OF JAZZ. Jazz Ranch
Kent Hewitt
SUPER COOL EXERCISE; 251s in all 12 Minor Keys. Cycle of 5ths. This is the SOUND OF JAZZ. Jazz Ranch
Pentatonic Scales, Chords, and Pedal Tones. An introduction to Coltrane's Iconic Song: "Naima".
Kent Hewitt
Pentatonic Scales, Chords, and Pedal Tones. An introduction to Coltrane's Iconic Song: "Naima".
3 Essential Tips for Songwriters: Melody, Harmony, Lyrics. "Windmills of My Mind"=Michel Legrand.
Kent Hewitt
3 Essential Tips for Songwriters: Melody, Harmony, Lyrics. "Windmills of My Mind"=Michel Legrand.
Boost up your music knowledge and skills:. Jazz Piano: Methods and Songbook. 1000's sold. Jazz Ranch
Kent Hewitt
Boost up your music knowledge and skills:. Jazz Piano: Methods and Songbook. 1000's sold. Jazz Ranch
Learn Rootless Voicings- 251- Cycle of 5ths Exercise. Complete left hand drill- Bill Evans Chords.
Kent Hewitt
Learn Rootless Voicings- 251- Cycle of 5ths Exercise. Complete left hand drill- Bill Evans Chords.
DIMINISHED CHORDS IN TUNES: Using Barry Harris Diminished 6th Scale. Advanced Concepts Tutorial.
Kent Hewitt
DIMINISHED CHORDS IN TUNES: Using Barry Harris Diminished 6th Scale. Advanced Concepts Tutorial.
Shifting Hand Positions: From Spead Voicings to Rootless Voicings. MAKE GOOD PIANO ARRANGEMENTS.
Kent Hewitt
Shifting Hand Positions: From Spead Voicings to Rootless Voicings. MAKE GOOD PIANO ARRANGEMENTS.
How to Create GREAT INTROS to songs. The definitive lesson on Introductions. Jazz Ranch
Kent Hewitt
How to Create GREAT INTROS to songs. The definitive lesson on Introductions. Jazz Ranch
DIMINISHED 7TH- The Most Amazing, Multi-functional Chord - - Learn all about this important chord.
Kent Hewitt
DIMINISHED 7TH- The Most Amazing, Multi-functional Chord - - Learn all about this important chord.
II-V-I EXERCISE: to develop your ears, muscle memory, and keyboard knowledge. Practical lesson.
Kent Hewitt
II-V-I EXERCISE: to develop your ears, muscle memory, and keyboard knowledge. Practical lesson.
Harmonic Minor Scale: Applied to tunes (Funny Valentine) and improvisation: Jazz Ranch Tutorial.
Kent Hewitt
Harmonic Minor Scale: Applied to tunes (Funny Valentine) and improvisation: Jazz Ranch Tutorial.
KIck up your improvisation by learning a complex Be-Bop tune -"Conception" -  Tutorial w/ analysis.
Kent Hewitt
KIck up your improvisation by learning a complex Be-Bop tune -"Conception" - Tutorial w/ analysis.
4 Steps to Improvisation:  Black Orpheus: Manhã de Carnaval  Tutorial
Kent Hewitt
4 Steps to Improvisation: Black Orpheus: Manhã de Carnaval Tutorial
A Study in Funk Rhythm versus Jazz Rhythm - using the song "SUNNY"   -  Jazz Ranch Tutorial
Kent Hewitt
A Study in Funk Rhythm versus Jazz Rhythm - using the song "SUNNY" - Jazz Ranch Tutorial
Jazz Piano Book Sale: Methods and Songbook for Professional Playing. 40% off PDF.  A Look inside.
Kent Hewitt
Jazz Piano Book Sale: Methods and Songbook for Professional Playing. 40% off PDF. A Look inside.
EASY PIANO PRACTICE TIPS:  3 part harmony and jazz phrasing. "Fly Me To The Moon. Beginner Jazz.
Kent Hewitt
EASY PIANO PRACTICE TIPS: 3 part harmony and jazz phrasing. "Fly Me To The Moon. Beginner Jazz.
PRACTICE DRIL,L- 7th CHORDS: Left hand: MOST IMPORTANT CHORDS.  Applied to "Autumn Leaves".
Kent Hewitt
PRACTICE DRIL,L- 7th CHORDS: Left hand: MOST IMPORTANT CHORDS. Applied to "Autumn Leaves".
EASY IMPROVISATION - part 2.  Steps to improv in 8th notes. Target and passing tones tutorial.
Kent Hewitt
EASY IMPROVISATION - part 2. Steps to improv in 8th notes. Target and passing tones tutorial.
BEST MOVIE SONGS: "As  Time Goes By" - performance and tutorial= piano techniques. Free score.
Kent Hewitt
BEST MOVIE SONGS: "As Time Goes By" - performance and tutorial= piano techniques. Free score.
COMPING 101: Learn to accompany and play chords in a band. 3 hand positions and rhythmic concepts.
Kent Hewitt
COMPING 101: Learn to accompany and play chords in a band. 3 hand positions and rhythmic concepts.
HARMONIC JAZZ SALAD?  Spread Voicings, Rootless Chords, 4ths, "Everything I Love"-  Bill Evans Style
Kent Hewitt
HARMONIC JAZZ SALAD? Spread Voicings, Rootless Chords, 4ths, "Everything I Love"- Bill Evans Style
JAZZ BOOK SALE: 2 for 1: Buy Jazz Piano Book -get Appendix (140 pgs. exercises/drills) for free
Kent Hewitt
JAZZ BOOK SALE: 2 for 1: Buy Jazz Piano Book -get Appendix (140 pgs. exercises/drills) for free
TEST YOUR CHORD KNOWLEDGE,  learn intervals, dominant 7th chords &  resolutions using this exercise.
Kent Hewitt
TEST YOUR CHORD KNOWLEDGE, learn intervals, dominant 7th chords & resolutions using this exercise.
PLAY 10ths - EASY METHOD. Practice drill applying the song; "PEACE", by piano legend Horace Silver.
Kent Hewitt
PLAY 10ths - EASY METHOD. Practice drill applying the song; "PEACE", by piano legend Horace Silver.
ROOTLESS VOICINGS-"Everything Happens to Me" - Bill Evans Style, Get a pro jazz sound tutorial.
Kent Hewitt
ROOTLESS VOICINGS-"Everything Happens to Me" - Bill Evans Style, Get a pro jazz sound tutorial.
COOL CHORDS: Barry Harris 6th Diminished Scale Chords applied to song: "WAVE". (A C Jobim) Tutorial.
Kent Hewitt
COOL CHORDS: Barry Harris 6th Diminished Scale Chords applied to song: "WAVE". (A C Jobim) Tutorial.
Jazz Piano Book Sale: Buy this Book - get Appendix for free-140 pages of exercises for piano skills.
Kent Hewitt
Jazz Piano Book Sale: Buy this Book - get Appendix for free-140 pages of exercises for piano skills.
SPECIAL TIPS FOR YOUTUBE VIEWERS: How to slow down a video, and more advice for better learning.
Kent Hewitt
SPECIAL TIPS FOR YOUTUBE VIEWERS: How to slow down a video, and more advice for better learning.
SCALES FOR HALF-DIMINISHED CHORDS: Boost Your Improvisation Knowledge- "Beautiful Love"- Tutorial.
Kent Hewitt
SCALES FOR HALF-DIMINISHED CHORDS: Boost Your Improvisation Knowledge- "Beautiful Love"- Tutorial.
LEARN 3 MINOR SCALES - For Autumn Leaves, Greensleeves, and Summertime. Applying scales to tunes.
Kent Hewitt
LEARN 3 MINOR SCALES - For Autumn Leaves, Greensleeves, and Summertime. Applying scales to tunes.
BEBOP LICKS- Charlie "Bird" Parker'- 4 Best Bebop Tunes - Improvisation Tutorial - Jazz Ranch
Kent Hewitt
BEBOP LICKS- Charlie "Bird" Parker'- 4 Best Bebop Tunes - Improvisation Tutorial - Jazz Ranch
IMPROVISATION FOR BEGINNERS: How to start to improvise....a complete Beginner Master Course.
Kent Hewitt
IMPROVISATION FOR BEGINNERS: How to start to improvise....a complete Beginner Master Course.
DANNY BOY: A comparison of Bill Evans' version and Mormon Tabernacle version (for piano).
Kent Hewitt
DANNY BOY: A comparison of Bill Evans' version and Mormon Tabernacle version (for piano).
STRIDE: Get Rhythm with Left Hand Techniques: Essential theory tips to play with more rhythm.
Kent Hewitt
STRIDE: Get Rhythm with Left Hand Techniques: Essential theory tips to play with more rhythm.
A FUN EXERCISE: To develop your ears and feel for the keyboard- learn arpeggios, scales, melodies.
Kent Hewitt
A FUN EXERCISE: To develop your ears and feel for the keyboard- learn arpeggios, scales, melodies.
BEGINNERS EXERCISE IN IMPROVISATION: A simple exercise: learn arpeggios, scales, and melodic lines.
Kent Hewitt
BEGINNERS EXERCISE IN IMPROVISATION: A simple exercise: learn arpeggios, scales, and melodic lines.
ADDING 9THS TO YOUR CHORDS: "Moonlight in Vermont"- Essential Jazz Concepts- Upper structure chords
Kent Hewitt
ADDING 9THS TO YOUR CHORDS: "Moonlight in Vermont"- Essential Jazz Concepts- Upper structure chords
ELEANOR RIGBY: Jazz Interpretation - Inside/Outside improvisation. Hand Independance - Tutorial
Kent Hewitt
ELEANOR RIGBY: Jazz Interpretation - Inside/Outside improvisation. Hand Independance - Tutorial
THE MOST IMPORTANT CHORD PROGRESSION: ii-V -I. A Practice Drill Using 3 Essential Techniques.
Kent Hewitt
THE MOST IMPORTANT CHORD PROGRESSION: ii-V -I. A Practice Drill Using 3 Essential Techniques.
HOW TO PLAY IN A PIANO TRIO:  Jazz Ranch Tutorial
Kent Hewitt
HOW TO PLAY IN A PIANO TRIO: Jazz Ranch Tutorial
MASTERING PENTATONIC SCALES: used in the Song Summertime. Jazz Ranch Tutorial
Kent Hewitt
MASTERING PENTATONIC SCALES: used in the Song Summertime. Jazz Ranch Tutorial
Study in MEMORIZATION: 'Lush Life" - how to memorize a complex song. Jazz Ranch Tutorial
Kent Hewitt
Study in MEMORIZATION: 'Lush Life" - how to memorize a complex song. Jazz Ranch Tutorial
12 Great Modulations: How to Make Smooth Transitions to Different Keys, Jazz Ranch Tutorial
Kent Hewitt
12 Great Modulations: How to Make Smooth Transitions to Different Keys, Jazz Ranch Tutorial
HOW TO CREATE ENDINGS FOR SONGS: 5 Categories:  Master Class Lesson from The Jazz Ranch
Kent Hewitt
HOW TO CREATE ENDINGS FOR SONGS: 5 Categories: Master Class Lesson from The Jazz Ranch
"HAVE YOURSELF A MERRY LITTLE CHRISTMAS" -  Solo Piano from the Jazz Ranch. Free score download.
Kent Hewitt
"HAVE YOURSELF A MERRY LITTLE CHRISTMAS" - Solo Piano from the Jazz Ranch. Free score download.
How to play on RHYTHM CHANGES: a 35 minute course.  Featuring Anthropology and Oleo. The Jazz Ranch.
Kent Hewitt
How to play on RHYTHM CHANGES: a 35 minute course. Featuring Anthropology and Oleo. The Jazz Ranch.
How to swing "Silver Bells" - as a Jazz Waltz.  Lesson on Rhythm, Reharmonization, and Phrasing.
Kent Hewitt
How to swing "Silver Bells" - as a Jazz Waltz. Lesson on Rhythm, Reharmonization, and Phrasing.
BEST DEAL OF THE SEASON: Jazz Piano Book: (1000's sold) Video shows all chapters. Learn Jazz Piano.
Kent Hewitt
BEST DEAL OF THE SEASON: Jazz Piano Book: (1000's sold) Video shows all chapters. Learn Jazz Piano.
Beginners!  Easy ii-V-I  Drill.  The MOST IMPORTANT EXERCISE you can learn. -from the Jazz Ranch.
Kent Hewitt
Beginners! Easy ii-V-I Drill. The MOST IMPORTANT EXERCISE you can learn. -from the Jazz Ranch.
DIMINISHED CHORDS IN TUNES: "Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered”. INSIDER’S SCOOP”- Jazz Ranch
Kent Hewitt
DIMINISHED CHORDS IN TUNES: "Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered”. INSIDER’S SCOOP”- Jazz Ranch
Anatomy of a Masterpiece: 'STARDUST"- Jazz Ranch Tutorial
Kent Hewitt
Anatomy of a Masterpiece: 'STARDUST"- Jazz Ranch Tutorial
ESSENTIAL JAZZ HARMONY - Fix a one-chord progression: "I'll Remember April"- Jazz Ranch Tutorial.
Kent Hewitt
ESSENTIAL JAZZ HARMONY - Fix a one-chord progression: "I'll Remember April"- Jazz Ranch Tutorial.
THE JAZZ SOUND - Easy Moves - to alter rootless voicings. Jazz Ranch Piano Tutorial
Kent Hewitt
THE JAZZ SOUND - Easy Moves - to alter rootless voicings. Jazz Ranch Piano Tutorial
ROOTLESS VOICINGS: "My Romance"- Bill Evans Chords Tutorial
Kent Hewitt
ROOTLESS VOICINGS: "My Romance"- Bill Evans Chords Tutorial
GREAT ARRANGING TIPS: Homage to George Shearing: (“Mack the Knife".)
Kent Hewitt
GREAT ARRANGING TIPS: Homage to George Shearing: (“Mack the Knife".)
PIANISTS!!:  ULTIMATE CYCLE OF 5THS EXERCISE FOR THE LEFT HAND : (Applied to the song  "Summertime")
Kent Hewitt
'MY FUNNY VALENTINE" - Easy Piano Arrangement - Jazz Ranch Tutorial.
Kent Hewitt
'MY FUNNY VALENTINE" - Easy Piano Arrangement - Jazz Ranch Tutorial.
THE 5 MOST IMPORTANT CHORDS AND SCALES TO LEARN: A Beginner's Crash Course. Piano Tutorial
Kent Hewitt
THE 5 MOST IMPORTANT CHORDS AND SCALES TO LEARN: A Beginner's Crash Course. Piano Tutorial
PLAY PIANO AND SING: The Art of Accompanying.- Fly Me To The Moon" - 2 Beat Bass Line Tutorial
Kent Hewitt
PLAY PIANO AND SING: The Art of Accompanying.- Fly Me To The Moon" - 2 Beat Bass Line Tutorial
CAN YOU LEARN JAZZ FROM A BOOK?  : Answer: read the reviews and watch the video on- "A Foggy Day" .
Kent Hewitt
CAN YOU LEARN JAZZ FROM A BOOK? : Answer: read the reviews and watch the video on- "A Foggy Day" .
Learn a classic bebop lick by Herbie Hancock. Discussion of bebop techniques. Jazz Ranch Tutorial.
Kent Hewitt
Learn a classic bebop lick by Herbie Hancock. Discussion of bebop techniques. Jazz Ranch Tutorial.
Exercise in Minor Keys_ "AUTUMN LEAVES" - 2-5-1 drills and modes for improvisation - JAZZ RANCH.
Kent Hewitt
Exercise in Minor Keys_ "AUTUMN LEAVES" - 2-5-1 drills and modes for improvisation - JAZZ RANCH.
"JUST IN TIME" - How The Cycle of 5ths Applies To Tunes.  Jazz Ranch Tutorial.
Kent Hewitt
"JUST IN TIME" - How The Cycle of 5ths Applies To Tunes. Jazz Ranch Tutorial.
“ALFIE”: A free piano arrangement of Burt Bacharach’s masterpiece.  Tutorial from the Jazz Ranch.
Kent Hewitt
“ALFIE”: A free piano arrangement of Burt Bacharach’s masterpiece. Tutorial from the Jazz Ranch.
How to read, interpret, and improve (fix) a fake book score – “TIME AFTER TIME” – Jazz Tutorial
Kent Hewitt
How to read, interpret, and improve (fix) a fake book score – “TIME AFTER TIME” – Jazz Tutorial
JAZZ RIFFS FOR BEGINNERS: PART 2 -Exercises to practice for improving your reading, rhythm, & groove
Kent Hewitt
JAZZ RIFFS FOR BEGINNERS: PART 2 -Exercises to practice for improving your reading, rhythm, & groove
GET THE PRO SOUND : Converting Block Chords to Spread Voicings: Easy lesson playing ballads better.
Kent Hewitt
GET THE PRO SOUND : Converting Block Chords to Spread Voicings: Easy lesson playing ballads better.
BILL EVANS; "MY FOOLISH HEART: Analysis: Jazz Piano Tutoiral from the Jazz Ranch (re-visited).
Kent Hewitt
BILL EVANS; "MY FOOLISH HEART: Analysis: Jazz Piano Tutoiral from the Jazz Ranch (re-visited).
THE MOST IMPORTANT CHORD INVERSION: Beginner exercise in II-V-Is. Piano lesson in voice leading.
Kent Hewitt
THE MOST IMPORTANT CHORD INVERSION: Beginner exercise in II-V-Is. Piano lesson in voice leading.
ULTIMATE CHORD DRILL; For Beginners- Easy exercise to learn the most important chords
Kent Hewitt
ULTIMATE CHORD DRILL; For Beginners- Easy exercise to learn the most important chords
Oscar Peterson's Cool Chords: Altered Dominant 7th Chords - Diminished Pattern, Jazz Ranch Tutorial.
Kent Hewitt
Oscar Peterson's Cool Chords: Altered Dominant 7th Chords - Diminished Pattern, Jazz Ranch Tutorial.
THE NEARNESS OF YOU: A Jazz Piano Tutorial: Breakdown of song...from the Jazz Ranch.
Kent Hewitt
THE NEARNESS OF YOU: A Jazz Piano Tutorial: Breakdown of song...from the Jazz Ranch.
FASCINATING MUSICAL REVELATIONs: The Tritone Substitute -….what it is and how to use it in songs.
Kent Hewitt
FASCINATING MUSICAL REVELATIONs: The Tritone Substitute -….what it is and how to use it in songs.
LEARN A CLASSIC BEBOP TUNE – "Conception”- Improve your jazz skills and improvisation.
Kent Hewitt
LEARN A CLASSIC BEBOP TUNE – "Conception”- Improve your jazz skills and improvisation.
JAZZ CHORDS YOU NEED TO KNOW-  7th Chord Drill- Jazz Ranch Tutorial
Kent Hewitt
JAZZ CHORDS YOU NEED TO KNOW- 7th Chord Drill- Jazz Ranch Tutorial
Kent Hewitt
JAZZ RIFFS FOR BEGINNERS: Exercises to practice for improving your reading, rhythm, & groove.PART 1
Kent Hewitt
JAZZ RIFFS FOR BEGINNERS: Exercises to practice for improving your reading, rhythm, & groove.PART 1
Kent Hewitt
BEST ii-V-I EXERCISE-  Part 2 -  Mastering Rootless Voicings
Kent Hewitt
BEST ii-V-I EXERCISE- Part 2 - Mastering Rootless Voicings
EXERCISE IN LEFT HAND RHYTHM-  Learn to play 2-beat rhythmn w/ the song "Bill Bailey".  (w/ score)
Kent Hewitt
EXERCISE IN LEFT HAND RHYTHM- Learn to play 2-beat rhythmn w/ the song "Bill Bailey". (w/ score)
AMAZING BILL EVANS LICK- to improve your improvisation- A Tutorial
Kent Hewitt
AMAZING BILL EVANS LICK- to improve your improvisation- A Tutorial
GETTING INSIDE A JAZZ MUSICIAN'S MIND: 3 steps to converting a POP song into a JAZZ arrangement.
Kent Hewitt
GETTING INSIDE A JAZZ MUSICIAN'S MIND: 3 steps to converting a POP song into a JAZZ arrangement.
TOP PRO TECHNIQUES FOR JAZZ PIANO- OVERVIEW- "Someone To Watch Over Me"- Jazz Ranch Tutorial
Kent Hewitt
TOP PRO TECHNIQUES FOR JAZZ PIANO- OVERVIEW- "Someone To Watch Over Me"- Jazz Ranch Tutorial