GloriaJWimberley_ GreenSwanica.PROetess

POETRY IS LIFE AMPLIFIED~and I Versify With Vibrance!
...(If you're not already subscribed), click on the colorful swan logo to subscribe to my art-for-art's-sake channel if passionate poetry performances appeal to you. ...Poetry Is Life and my poetry is performed in 3 distinct styles: Poetry & Music, Poetry & ASMR, and Spoken Word-Only. Additionally, a 4th category of channel-content for optimum relaxation is ASMR Ambiance.
~*~Experience the vibrant "poetry" of nature emanating from this ASMR Ambiance video--a succinct yet sumptuous ASMR Ambiance video of happy pool-goers (sounds, not sights), mellow summer breeze, and blue sky with fluffy white clouds in this leafy-green sylvan setting of West Virginia of Appalachia. Let all of it facilitate a pleasant recalibration of your headspace for added clarity in your busy and possibly-stressful day~~~~~~~Enjoy :-)
: CHANNEL SAMPLER endscreen and SUBSCRIBE button appear for your convenience :-)
...With a total of 41,300 followers/connections on all social media:19,400+ on LINKEDIN, 16,500+ on VIADEO, 3,600+ followers on TWITTER (@Dahlia_PROetess) etc., Gloria J. Wimberley, M.A. is an Appalachian scribe of Native American/American Indian heritage, an alumnus of both Marshall University and West Liberty University, and a lifetime member of Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society. She now resides with her husband and children in the woodsy warmth of West Virginia, previously having lived decades in Washington, DC; Miami, FL, etc. Prose Editor for Middle Island Press of WV...and English Professor who has taught for close to 20 years at various colleges and universities in Washington, DC; South Florida, Central Florida, and Ohio. Her poetry has been published in India, New Zealand, England, Scotland, Canada, and the United States / USA. Besides YouTube, she is on LinkedIn, Amazon (amzn.to/VTaw84), Twitter, Goodreads, Viadeo, etc.
~Poetry Blooms Eternal, GreenSwanica.PROetess Gloria :-)
   / @gloriajwimberley  
[] MY CHANNEL TRAILER:    • ??WHOisGreenSwanica.PROetess?? #POETR...  
[] TOP-VIEWED VIDEOS:    • POEM.BloodBloom.GloriaWimberley #Poet...  
[] SPOKEN WORD-ONLY:    • POEM.MossPregnancy.GloriaWimberley #N...  
[] POETRY & MUSIC:    • 45 SecondSSLIDESHOW set to MUSIC.Glor...  
[] POETRY & ASMR:    • POEM&ASMR.Tingletopia.GloriaWimberley...  
[] ASMR AMBIANCE:    • ASMR AMBIANCE.Creek Soundscape.Gloria...  
~Feel free to connect with me on social media, and thank you for your kind support!

T W I T T E R: (@Dahlia_PROetess) twitter.com/dahlia_proetess

L I N K E D I N: linkedin.com/in/gloriamcgowanwimberley

V I A D E O: viadeo.com/p/0021n1zm7ritnom

A M A Z O N: amzn.to/VTAW84
