An electric ghost named Killerwatt (James Avery) has taken over the power plant, leaving New York City powerless.
Season 1 Episode 2: Killerwatt
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Based on the blockbuster films, this action-packed animated series starts a decade after the original Ghostbusters saved New York City from ghosts, goblins and ghouls. All the guys have left town, except Egon, now teaching a Paranormal Studies class at the local university. But Zuul, the all-powerful demon, has awakened from hibernation to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting masses. Desperate to recruit a new team, Egon and the plucky Janine turn to four of his teenage students: Kylie, a genius with an encyclopedic knowledge of the occult; Eduardo, a hip slacker with a crush on Kylie; Garrett, a wheelchair-bound athlete with a hot temper; and Roland, a “gentle giant” mechanical whiz. It's only a matter of time before Egon, Janine, old pal Slimer and the “kids” band together to rid the city of the evildoers.
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