Bible Verses On Making a Decision | Scriptures To Help Make a Decision (Audio Bible)

Bible Verses On Making a Decision | Scriptures To Help Make a Decision (Audio Bible)

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Bible Verses On Making a Decision - Scriptures To Help Make a Decision (Audio Bible)

This is simply a video I’ve put together where I would like to read through God's Word (if you prefer not to have my voice-over you can mute the video and read the Scriptures yourself).

All I ask you to do is to listen as I read and we seek our Heavenly Father regarding this Christian meditation on how to make a decision as seen through Holy Bible verses.

Please continue to meditate on these Scriptures for yourself.

Speak them daily or listen to this video over and over again and allow the Word of God concerning these Scriptures for making a decision to reach deep into your spirit.


(in video)

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