I'm Hiiragi Kirai, and this is my eighth work. I don't want you to lose sight of the essentials through this song.
Music/ Hiiragi Kirai twitter.com/Kirai_dark
Artwork & Video / WOOMA twitter.com/cherinka0921
NND www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm36165193
Off-vocal commons.nicovideo.jp/material/nc209007
As for the origin of fantasy rotten to the core
Always sulking off, unsparingly, the mind is so dark all the time
"I want you to look at me, " which is sinful and peccant
Oughta be the king of flies who's gonna starve to death in a sanitary room
Hey hey sir mediocre, mediocre tranquil mediocre
I'm now getting, I'm now getting, fed up with everything!
Hey hey sir mediocre, mediocre tranquil mediocre
Wouldn't ya guys quit this absurd already?!
What for, ah what for, just what are you shouting abuse with eloquence for?
Oh you, dying for love, "I wanna be", yeah I know that
Look, this is how you're going be hated
Get it and cry out now: hey hey sir mediocre
Hey hey sir mediocre
As for the origin of fantasy rotten to the core
Those who survive today are anxious and worried about their morrow
'Cause they can be kind and empty in so doing!
Hey hey sir mediocre, mediocre tranquil mediocre
Covered with dew, rotting away, and deceived, how innocent!
Hey hey sir mediocre, mediocre tranquil mediocre
What poor and vulgar esprit that is!
How come, ah how come, just how come you're so confident, so satisfied?
Grumbling "Don't you know," you shake your head and run away in the end
Oh, that's how you're going to forget all of this
Let it be, don't pretend; mediocre tranquil mediocre
Be rational!
Hey hey sir mediocre, mediocre tranquil mediocre
I'm now getting, I'm now getting, fed up with everything!
Hey hey sir mediocre, mediocre tranquil mediocre
Wouldn't ya guys quit this absurd already?!
What for, ah what for, just what are you shouting abuse with eloquence for?
Oh you, dying for love, "I wanna be", yeah I know that
Look, this is how you're going be hated
Get it, get it, get it,
How come, ah how come, just how come you're so confident, so satisfied?
Grumbling "Don't you know," you shake your head and run away in the end
Oh, like that, you're going forget all of this!
Let it be, don't pretend,
Hey hey sir mediocre
Mediocre tranquil mediocre
Hey hey sir mediocre
Hey hey sir mediocre
#柊キライ #HiiragiKirai #vflower #VOCALOID