:-) Hey there! Enjoy the "poetry"of nature! :)
This brief-yet-soothing ASMR Ambiance video (NO TALKING) to relax, de-stress, or sleep,
was filmed in the lush woods of the state of West Virginia (WV) in Appalachia near my home.
May sylvan serenity and the realm of relaxation be yours as you view & listen. Enjoy!
~Poetry Blooms Eternal, GreenSwanica.PROetess :-)
...For performance art videos of my *Original Poetry* presented in 3 distinct styles
(Poetry & Music, Poetry & ASMR, and Spoken Word-Only), please check out the bevy of other videos on my channel. ~~Poetry Is Life Amplified--And I Versify With Vibrance!~~
With a total of 42,200 followers/connections on all social media: LINKEDIN, VIADEO, TWITTER (@Dahlia_PROetess) etc., Gloria J. Wimberley, M.A. is an Appalachian scribe of Native American/American Indian heritage. Gloria, an alumnus of both Marshall University, West Liberty University, and a lifetime member of Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society, now resides with her husband and children in the woodsy warmth of West Virginia, previously having lived decades in Washington, DC; Miami, FL, etc. Prose Editor for Middle Island Press of WV...and English Professor who has taught for close to 20 years at at various colleges and universities in Washington, DC; South Florida, Central Florida, and Ohio. Her poetry has been published in India, New Zealand, England, Scotland, Canada, and the United States / USA. Besides YouTube, she is on LinkedIn, Amazon (amzn.to/VTaw84), Twitter, Goodreads, Viadeo, etc.
[] [] [] MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL: [] [] []
/ @gloriajwimberley
~Feel free to connect with me on social media, and thank you for your kind support :-)
T W I T T E R: (@Dahlia_PROetess) twitter.com/dahlia_proetess
L I N K E D I N: linkedin.com/in/gloriamcgowanwimberley
V I A D E O: viadeo.com/p/0021n1zm7ritnom
A M A Z O N: amzn.to/VTAW84