Here is our tribute to the amazing Perfume Genius song 'Slip Away'.
This year we are supporting Petits Amb Llum, a not-for-profit organization which supports mothers and fathers who have suffered the loss of one or more children either during pregnancy or after birth.
Aquest any estem donant suport a Petits Amb Llum - una associació sense afany de lucre formada per mares i pares que hem sofert la pèrdua d’un o més fills durant l’embaràs o després del part.
For more information, or to make a donation:
Mes info / feu un donatiu:
Director: Eliya Akbaş
Idea: Eliya Akbaş & Alex Bacigalupo
Production: Barcelona English Choir & Moments Creative
First Assistant Director: Aina Seguí
Cinematographer: Peter Kreil
Choreographer: Anna Feliu Rich
Makeup: Stick Art Studio
Filmed on location at: La Lleialtat Santsenca
Music: Slip Away
Composer: Mike Hadreas
Arranged by Ed Aldcroft
Performed by Barcelona English Choir
Thank you for this amazing song Perfume Genius!
• Perfume Genius - Slip Away (Official ...