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Mahabharata Chapter 41 - The Year in Hiding

Welcome to Episode 41 of Bhagavad Gita: Mahabharata.
In this series I outline the epic of the Mahabharata. The events that happened before and after the Bhagavad Gita.

For those that have not watched my Bhagavad Gita series you can find it on    • Bhagavad Gita: A Walkthrough  

For this series I have drawn inspiration from the works of
Sudipta Bhawmik and Avi Ziv in their series “Stories of the Mahabharata” shows.acast.com/thestoriesofmahabharata as well as the illustrated “Mahabharata” by Manoj Publications www.manojpublications.com.

Many images are from the visually stunning Mahabharat by StarPlus available on Youtube

Music by ShidenBeatsMusic from Pixabay

Chapter 41 – The Year in Hiding
Yudisthir's spiritual father, Lord Dharma, advised the Pandavas to spend their final year of exile in the city of Viratanagar. Before their return to the forest, Lord Dharma returned the priest's implements. He had taken them in the form of a deer as part of his test for Yudisthir.

Grateful, the Pandavas returned to their forest home and discussed the incident with Draupadi. They were nearing the end of their 12 years in forest exile, with the thirteenth year requiring them to hide within a city. Discovery by Duryodhan and his spies during this year would result in another 12 years of exile.

They carefully planned their disguises for the final year. Yudishthir would offer his services as an advisor to King Virat and teach him the Game of Dice. Bheem would become the royal cook, ensuring access to all the food and drink he desired. He would also entertain the King as a wrestler. Arjuna, who would have to endure the curse of Urvasi for the final year, would disguise himself as Brihannalla, a music and dance teacher, to train the King's daughter, Uttara. Arjuna's prior training with Chritasena in Lord Indra's kingdom would now prove invaluable.

Nakula would offer his services as a Stableman for the Kings horses. Sahadeva would manage the Kings cattle. Finally, Draupadi would offer her services as a handmaiden to Queen Sudeshana. With their roles established, the Pandavas set off for the Kingdom of Viratanagar, hiding their weapons along the way high in the branches of a tree near the city. They successfully secured their positions and spent months of their final year in relative tranquillity.

However, one day Draupadi in the service of Queen Sudeshana found herself the unwelcome target of the Queens brother. Keechaka had spotted Draupadi in the guise of Sairandhri while visiting his sister. He found himself overcome with desire. He made advances towards Sairandhri but found himself rebuked. “I am a married woman. I am of the Gandharva tribe and my Gandharva men are everywhere watching over and protecting me. It would be best to forget me dear Keechaka.”

But the Queens brother was a powerful and ambitious man within Virats Kingdom and he wasn’t about to give up that easily.
