Guided Meditation for Gratitude Before Sleep [END YOUR DAY POSITIVELY!] created by LunaYes 🌑
The power of gratitude is that people who count their blessings tend to be happier than those who don't. That is because your focus will shift away from negative emotions and things you don't have, towards positive emotions and appreciating what you do have.
This guided meditation for gratitude will help you appreciating your blessings before you go to sleep. You will end your day on a positive note, no matter how stressful or hard your day was. You do not have to share what you're grateful about with anybody. Just you knowing is enough.
To reprogram your subconscious mind towards being more grateful, I recommend listening to this grateful meditation every evening as being truly grateful is a process rather than an one time event.
I am sleep coach Luna Langford. I specialize in helping people with sleep issues using a range of techniques based on mindfulness and meditation.
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