If you need someone: tryonlinetherapy.com/jellybeans
I have to apologize again for the audio on this. I know I say "left" yet it comes out the right side of your headphones. I hope it doesn't bother you too much. I leaned the wrong way lol...I'm sorry It's been so long since I made a video. School started and things got busy with my other channel. I'll try to keep making these videos as often as I can! You guys give me a lot of motivation haha.
Dance Channel: youtube.com/user/jellybeannose
Instagram: www.instagram.com/jellybeannose16
Tumblr: www.jellybeannose.tumblr.com/
Twitter: www.twitter.com/jellybeannose16
Facebook: www.facebook.com/heatherwhat
Amazon Wishlist: amzn.com/w/9A5XP2RQBOT6