Exomoons represent an oustanding challenge in modern astronomy. The quest for their detection has been a topic central to Cool Worlds' mission and methods developed a decade ago have largely guided that effort. But after years of trying, we have been revisiting these methods and have an exciting breakthrough to share with you all - a new hope for finding exomoons.
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Thank-you to K. Clark, T. Widdowson, D. Smith, S. Hackley, M. Sloan, L. Sanborn, K. Kantor, P. Herman, A. Aganbegyan, C. Bottaccini, D. Brunk, D. Daughaday, S. Fincher, J. Kindred, A. Jones, J. Allen, S. Baldwin, J. Black, S. Brownlee, S. Chaturvedi, D. Denholm, T. Dorais, G. Downton, E. Urrestarazu, G. Fulton, S. Griffiths, P. Halloran, J. Jurcevic, N. Kildal, J. Kobernick, W. Kobernick, V. Kremer, M. Lijoi, S. Loftin, B. Loizides, A. Maslyanchuk, B. Matson, O. Mcintyre, L. Mitchell, A. Pelletier, J. Rivillas, B. Robinson, Z. Star, L. Steely, E. Stefan-Matyus, M. Steven, E. West, B. York, T. Zajonc, P. Gowd, S. Kelsey, P. Kommareddy, C. Wolfred, D. Vennel, E. Dessoi, F. Naeem, F. Rebolledo, H. Laging, J. Falls, J. Adams, M. Gremillion, P. Rutherford, T. Kline, T. Leger, L. Skov, D. Roberts, E. Wilson, I. Baskerville, J. Bassnett, J. Shackleford, M. Undin, M. Kroebel, I. Johnstone, G. Suter, I. Hopcraft, J. Valdes, P. Akrill-Misso, W. Robertson, E. Orman, G. Ingham, D. Hecke, J. Pilloff, T. Bernhard, D. Dianovszki, E. Cook, S. Mass, T. Richards, T. Lancaster, C. Stouffer, G. Benson, A. Vaal, C. Diamantis, J. Wenzel, M. Elliott, M. Wallstab, S. Bialek, B. Thomson, B. Daniluk, B. Bowen & D. Jacobson.
::The new paper is here::
► Kipping, D., 2020, "The Exomoon Corridor: Half of all exomoons exhibit TTV frequencies within a narrow window due to aliasing", MNRAS, 500, 1851: arxiv.org/abs/2012.00764
► Sartoretti, P. & Schneider, J., 1999, "On the detection of satellites of extrasolar planets with the method of transits", A&AS, 134, 553: aas.aanda.org/articles/aas/abs/1999/03/ds7637/ds76…
► Kipping, D., 2009, "Transit timing effects due to an exomoon", MNRAS, 392, 181: arxiv.org/abs/0810.2243
► Kipping, D., 2011, "LUNA: An algorithm for generating dynamic planet-moon transits", MNRAS, 416, 689: arxiv.org/abs/1105.3499
► Kipping, D. et al., 2015, "The Hunt for Exomoons with Kepler (HEK): V. A Survey of 41 Planetary Candidates for Exomoons", ApJ, 813, 14: arxiv.org/abs/1503.05555
► Teachey, A. & Kipping, D., 2018, "Evidence for a large exomoon orbiting Kepler-1625b", Sci. Adv., 4, eaav1784: arxiv.org/abs/1810.02362
► Martin, D. et al., 2019, "Transits of Inclined Exomoons- Hide and Seek and an Application to Kepler-1625", ApJL, 875, L25: arxiv.org/abs/1901.06366
::Movies clips used::
► Avatar (2009) 20th Century Fox
► The Wolverine (2013) 20th Century Fox
► Another Earth (2011) Fox Searchlight Pictures
► The Imitation Game (2014) The Weinstein Company
► The Prisoners (2013) Warner Bros. Pictures
► Her (2013) Warner Bros. Pictures
► Limitless (2011) Relativity
► The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) New Line Cinema
► Avengers: Endgame (2019) Walt Disney Studios
► The Joker (2019) Warner Bros. Pictures
► Prospect (2018) DUST
::Other video footage used::
See bit.ly/383E14u
Music used is licensed by SoundStripe.com (SS) [shorturl.at/ptBHI], or via Creative Commons (CC) Attribution License (creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), or with permission from the artist.
► "Arrival" by Joachim Heinrich licensed under a CC Attribution license: joachimheinrich.bandcamp.com/
► "Y" by Joachim Heinrich licensed under a CC Attribution license: joachimheinrich.bandcamp.com/
► "Cylinder Five" and "Cylinder Two" by Chris Zabriskie licensed under a CC Attribution license: chriszabriskie.com/cylinders/
► "Human Nature" by Hill, used with permission from the artist: hillmusic.bandcamp.com/album/shade-upon-thy-right-…
► "The Sun is Scheduled to Come Out Tomorrow" by Chris Zabriskie licensed under a CC Attribution license: chriszabriskie.com/honor/
► "Fragmented" by Hill, used with permission from the artist: hillmusic.bandcamp.com/album/shade-upon-thy-right-…
► "Painted Deserts" by Shimmer licensed via SS
► "Cylinder Four" by Chris Zabriskie licensed under a CC Attribution license: chriszabriskie.com/cylinders/
► "Waking Up" by Atlas licensed via SS
► "Fusion" by Indive licensed under a CC Attribution license: indive.bandcamp.com/
0:00 Prologue
0:55 Context
3:34 Transit Timing Variations
7:32 Transit Duration Variations
11:05 Choices
13:43 The Hunt for Exomoons with Kepler
20:53 TTVs Everywhere But Not A Drop To Drink
26:54 Undersampling
34:09 Credits
#Exomoons #CoolWorlds