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BEST Sources of POLYPHENOLS | Dr. Steven Gundry

Dr. Steven Gundry is one of the world’s top cardiothoracic surgeons and a pioneer in nutrition, as well as medical director at The International Heart and Lung Institute Center for Restorative Medicine.

He's the author of many New York Times bestselling books and is the founder of Gundry MD, a line of wellness products and supplements.

Today we're focusing in on Dr. Gundry's latest book, The Energy Paradox: What to Do When Your Get-Up-and-Go Has Got Up and Gone.

Watch the full interview on YouTube: bit.ly/drstevengundry404

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Show notes: ultimatehealthpodcast.com/404

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About the Podcast
Jesse Chappus has in-depth conversations with health and wellness leaders from around the world. Topics include lifestyle, nutrition, fitness, self-help, sleep, meditation, spirituality and so much more. Tune in weekly to take your health to the next level!
