One of the Worst things you can do before your workout is static stretching. Avoid this common gym mistake pre-workout. This video explains why you should avoid stretching directly before a workout.
"One of the worst things to do before a workout is static stretching which is done by holding a muscle in a stretched position for a set amount of time, usually 20 to 30 seconds long. An example of this for the hamstrings would be the sit and reach. Many people growing up have been taught there are benefits to stretching before working out, but studies show that runners can't run as fast, athletes can't jump as high, and weight lifters can't lift as heavy if they engage in passive static stretching beforehand. (1) So the truth is contrary to popular belief you absolutely do not need to stretch at all before your workouts. It actually won't reduce the likelihood of injury and you're much better off spending your time simply performing some light warm-up sets before your actual workout."