Experiment 002 of 365, 2025 | How To Hide The Status & Navigation Bar in Screenshots and Screen Recordings
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What is goin’ on everyone? Leon checkin’ in and today we are covering "How To Hide The Status & Navigation Bar in Screenshots and Screen Recordings" on Android!
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All things said… Let’s go ahead… And get into it!
So here we are with Android and today we are demonstrating how to hide the status and navigation bar in screenshots or recordings.
Side note; I'm performing this tutorial on a Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, so results may vary depending on your Android device.
This is helpful for two reasons.
First, your status bar may included sensitive information and you may not want it shown.
Two, you get a cleaner screenshot focused more on the content you wish to emphasize when both bars are removed.
Interesting note though; in screen recordings, the status and navigation bars would still showed, which defeats the purpose, but screenshots do work as intended.
So let's get into the demonstration.
First, we're going to start by swiping down from the top of the display twice to show our quick setting icons.
You'll then look for the option "Screen Recorder" which may be on the 1st page or on a page after.
If you don't see it here, you may have to add it by tapping the pencil icon.
This opens a new page where you can edit the icons on the full quick settings page.
You can also makes edits to the top quick settings page.
Either is done by tapping edit.
Here you can delete icons by tapping an icon in the top panel or by tapping an icon in the bottom panel.
Just make sure, when you are done, you tap "Done" to save the configuration.
We can then back out.
Again, we'll swipe down from the top of the display twice and look for the "Screen Recorder" quick setting icon.
What's cool about these icons is if you press and hold on them, you can access extra settings, so we'll do this with the Screen Recorder icon.
This refreshes the page to a Screenshots and Screen Recordings Page where we have a list of helpful features you can dig into on your own time.
However, the feature we are looking for is titled "Hide status and navigation bars."
You just want to make sure the slider is illuminated blue, not grayed out.
This will help you create cleaner screenshots that may also hide sensitive information.
Again, this doesn't seem to work for screen recordings in my experience, although it is implied, but ideally, this should be able to be fixed with an update.
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