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today... i clone myself... in blender... the 3d program i hardly know how to use... will he fill the emptiness in my heart? will he talk? will he be my friend??
best video i've ever made. magnum opus moment. love you. enjoy
feel free to subscribe if that's something you would like to do hehe :)
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📻 WELLIOT RADIO (updated for August) ➡ open.spotify.com/playlist/1p6tiAllrnkQbpu32cWDxU?s…
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MUSIC FROM EPIDEMIC SOUND ➡ www.epidemicsound.com/referral/d7hqsk
0:00 intro time :)
0:37 Act I: The Bones
4:45 squarespace time :)
5:33 Act I: More
6:55 Act II: The Soul
11:03 Act III: The Horror
15:07 authentic elliot time :)
#blender #3d #elliotisacoolguy
Thanks so much for w