Hi! This probably will be my last video from the DLC. As I said yesterday, I will report the starter for the second DLC.
For now, in preparation for completely new video content from Sonic Superstars and Mario Wonder which will both offcially come out next week. Be prepared to those now.
0:00 Kanto Legendary
1:24 Hoenn Legendary
2:15 Sinnoh Legendary
6:08 Unova Legendary
7:07 Kalos Legendary
8:00 Galar Legendary
10:30 Paldean Legendary
12:34 Kitakami Legendary
Added BloodMoon Ursaluna because despite not being a Legendary, based on its story, and its powerful signature moves. It should've been one.
I did absolutely everything from the game, recorded all the important stuff. If you don't want to get spoiled althought it's from a game that already existed, don't go on the internet.
I hope you appreciate my videos content, not an easy task to do but I'm here now.
All gameplay and content included within this video are from my own recording and from my own gameplay using AverMedia as a source and my Nintendo Switch.