read caption for tips on making studying more fun 📚✨
we can’t always be happy and energised when studying, no matter what you may see online from your friends or your favourite study influencers. Energy will always come in ebbs and flows.
Some days it will be easy, almost fun even. And some days it will feel impossible, and we’ll want to give up. One way to turn a bad day into a good day, is to make studying fun! Here are some tips on how:
1. Study with friends 👯
Studying with others has not only been scientifically proven to work (see Body Doubling or Hawthorne Theory), but it can be fun knowing others are in it with you - like a club almost! You even study with friends virtually, in large online Study Rooms on StudyStream!
2. Become the main character 💅✨
Pretend you are the main character in a movie or tv show whos finals are coming up, or they have to study for something crucially important for the plot. Channel your inner Elle Woods or Rory Gilmore!
3. Make a game of it 👾
What do all the best games have? Rewards! Get some of your favourite snacks, and for every hour of focus, you get a treat!
What are your favourite ways to make studying more fun? ✨
If you need a place to study with friends online, from all over the world - join us here! 💻 We are the largest virtual studying community in the world! Discover new friends and stay motivated. 🚀
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