Michael Hampton shows how to tweak head construction to fit different character types, focusing on male and female differences. For female characters, he suggests using softer curves, a less defined bone structure, and more delicate features. He recommends keeping the forehead more vertical, the jawline less sharp, and the brow ridge subtle. For male characters, he emphasizes stronger angles, a wider jaw, a more prominent brow ridge, and a slanted forehead. By adjusting proportions and planes, Hampton demonstrates how to achieve these traits while sticking to the basics of head construction.
Check out the rest of the course at proko.com/headconstruction
00:00 - Intro
00:16 - Female
09:39 - Male
15:17 - Outro
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Instructional How to Draw videos for artists. My drawing lessons are approachable enough for beginners and detailed enough for advanced artists. My philosophy is to teach timeless concepts in an entertaining way. I believe that when you are having fun, you learn better. I take pride in producing high-quality videos that you will enjoy watching and re-watching.
Artist | Instructor - S. Michael Hampton ( @stevenmichaelhampton )
Producer - Stan Prokopenko (www.stanprokopenko.com/), Sean Ramsey (www.peoplewhodrawstuff.com/),
Production Assistance - Sean Ramsey, Stephen Clark (www.peppermintgentleman.com/), Ash LoRusso (www.artstation.com/ash_lorusso)
Editing - Ash LoRusso, Sean Ramsey
Publishing - John Birchall, Alex Otis
Music by Epidemic Sound