September 2nd 2022: A very relaxed day in all sorts of weather conditions once again. This was not the most exciting or eventful day, but I still enjoyed myself! Not being in a hurry and just doing whatever you want to do at the time is probably one of the things I appreciate most about being on the road.
Route description:
I started my day at Hótel Edda Stórutjarnir, an unmanned guesthouse at a school facility. I continued along Road 1 to Akureyri, where I had a coffee at the café Ketilkaffi. With no detours followed Road 1 to Blönduós, where I enjoyed a self-made lunch with a sea view and sun! After a bit of riding here and there in the area, I made my way away from the sun and into the fog to Hotel Húni, which also had a small campground where I pitched my tent.
Read more about:
// Riding gear, camping equipment, camera equipment, and details about my motorcycle at:
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// Follow me on Instagram: @runagrydeland