Welcome to Ignitor! I'm THRILLED to have the opportunity to join a very creative group of people. Let's kick off a wonderful Season 3 today by checking out the Spawn Village, and building a STARTER RV.
#minecraftrv #starterhouse
Vid: @VidMCU
0:00 Intro
1:02 A Christmas Gift!
2:02 Spawn Tour
6:34 Exploring/Gathering
7:38 Gift from Zero
8:09 Build/Timelapse
9:27 Tour
11:28 Outro
Check out the Ignitor SMP and all member content here: ignitorsmp.com/
Twitter: twitter.com/timbrrr_1
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/timbrrr_1
#minecraft #survival #letsplay #smp #ignitorsmp #ignitor #minecraftsmp #contentcreator