More dahlia growing tips below 👇🏼
They’re grown from tubers that you plant in spring.
You can also grow some smaller varieties from seed (I love doing this as you don’t know what colour you’re going to get!) these form tubers to keep for following years.
Pinch out the growing tip when you’ve got a few pairs of leaves to encourage branching (lots more flowers!)
Flowers during summer and autumn
Great for cut flowers although in my opinion they don’t last long indoors, so I tend to appreciate them more in the garden
The more you pick, the more you grow
Suitable for borders and large containers
Dinnerplate varieties can grow quite large! Think 90cm high and 60cm spread
You can divide the tubers or take cuttings for more plants
They need fertile, free-draining soil/compost
They thrive in full sun
Frost tender. Keep them indoors till all chance of frost has past!
Attracts SO many bugs. Slugs, snails and earwigs are a BIG problem earlier in the year! Various ways to protect them, let me know if you’d like more info!
I’m pre warning you.. dahlia growing is a slippery slope into obsession 😂 There’s just so many to chose from!!
Varieties Lady Kate, Rawhide, Bishop of Canterbury, Burlesca, Tricolor and Great Silence from my @seedpantry monthly Grow Club subscription box (ad - gifted)
Who else is potting up dahlias now?! 😍
Welcome to Diary of a Yorkshire Gardener, I’m Francesca and I would love for you to follow my gardening journey by SUBSCRIBING to my channel! 🥰
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Happy Growing!
#dahlias #dahliatubers #spring2023 #ilovedahlias #flowergrower #cutflowers #dahlialove #dahliaflower #homegrown