Assembled are a group of six masterworks from a selection of approximately twenty-one on the HAR website. Only composition HAR #98215 is without a tetrahedron or mandala below and surrounding the central Vajrayogini. HAR #77220 is by far the most interesting because it attempts to visualize and depict all of the Eleven Yogas of the uncommon teachings of the mahasiddha Naropa. Each of the eleven vignettes is accompanied by an identifying inscription.
It would appear as though this compositional style of Vajrayogini with a palace and partial mandala circle and cemeteries is an 18/19th century creation.
#vajrayogini #naropa #pureland #heaven #power #mandalaart #mandala #tetrahedron #masterwork #masterpiece #bestart #thangka #art #artwork #tibetan #iconography #buddhism #himalayanart #tibetanart #buddhistart #tibet #nepal #india #mongolia #bhutan #himalayas
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