Professional painting contractor Todd Skrypek, RAM Painting, Park City, Utah, explains how Benjamin Moore’s new Woodluxe® Exterior stains provide good coverage without lap marks for a consistent finish. Todd states, “Having Woodluxe that can stay open and wet a little longer allows you to work across an area without lapping.” Because of climate changes, temperatures and sunlight they need the product to stay open to work the stain into the wood and cure more quickly. He also says, “Having something that’s workable, not drying up on the brush really fast, something that’s going to give you good coverage is really important.”
Woodluxe innovative formulas deliver superior durability and protection, provide a UV- and mildew-resistant coating, easy application, and reduced cracking and peeling for easier prep and recoating. These premium quality stains are suitable for both vertical and horizontal surfaces, and protect and beautify siding, decks, porches, fences and furniture for luxurious results. Available in water- and oil-based formulas, Woodluxe also offers a wide range of opacities* and colours. “In my 20 plus years painting, there’s been no company that provides a higher end, all-around package than Benjamin Moore,” says Joel Marsh, Marsh Painting, Inc.
Find the ultimate protection for outdoor beauty at your locally owned Benjamin Moore store.
*Not all opacities are available in every Woodluxe stain product line.
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