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The Post Detection Protocol

The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) has been growing in confidence and repute lately thanks to astronomer's detections of habitable worlds and the private funding been poured into the enterprise. With renewed efforts afoot, it's worth pausing for a moment and asking - well what do we do if we succeed? How should the scientists communicate their results? How will the public react? Social media in particular disrupts the conventional pattern of scientific announcements and poses some interesting challenges for SETI. In this video we perhaps end up asking more questions than answers, but let's get into a discussion in the comments about how best to proceed!

::More about this Video::

► International Academy of Astronautics Post Detect Protocol (1989): iaaseti.org/en/declaration-principles-concerning-a…
► International Academy of Astronautics Post Detect Protocol (2010): resources.iaaseti.org/protocols_rev2010.pdf
► The Rio Scale paper, Almar & Tartar (2011): www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0094576…
► Rio Scale calculator: avsport.org/IAA/riocalc.htm
► Centauri Dreams blog article about the RATAN-600 signal: www.centauri-dreams.org/2016/08/27/an-interesting-…
► Astronomy.com debunk the RATAN-600 signal: www.astronomy.com/news/2016/08/the-promising-seti-…
► World Science Festival: "Alien Contact: What Happens Next?": www.worldsciencefestival.com/programs/alien-contac…
► Columbia University Department of Astronomy: www.astro.columbia.edu/
► Cool Worlds Lab website: coolworlds.astro.columbia.edu/
► Outro music by 8-bit Universe "Harder Better Faster Stronger [8 Bit Cover Tribute to Daft Punk]": 8bituniverse.bandcamp.com/track/harder-better-fast…

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