Watch this superhit romantic scene from our blockbuster movie Bharaate starring Srii Murali.
#romanticscene #Bharaate #SriiMurali
Censor Certification Number:- VIL/2/200/2020-MUM
Movie (Hindi Dubbed):- Bharaate
Original Movie:- Bharaate In Kannada
Star Cast:- Srii Murali, Sree Leela, Ranchita Ram, Sadhu Kokila
Music:- Arjun Janya
Producer:- BK Gangadhar / Suprith
Director:- Chethan Kumar
Disclaimer:- We are the only right holders of this content. Any opinions expressed in this Film may purely be of the director or the original producers but are not our personal opinions and we do not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.
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