"Angels Ever Sing" led by Joel Barber, Emily Lacey and Suriah Thompson recorded live at Chroma Church
We are so thrilled to announce that our first album Chapter 1: Undignified is available to stream across all platforms. We love the adventure the Lord is taking us on and are so excited to begin to tell the story.
Listen to “Angels Ever Sing” on Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/0BSIMciXvNSG5pMVVoNaWK?si=6…
Listen to “Angels Ever Sing” on Apple Music: music.apple.com/us/album/angels-ever-sing-feat-joe…
Listen to "Chapter 1: Undignified" on Spotify: open.spotify.com/album/2RYXCCHH0BUehsxarnwZ0m?si=r…
Listen to "Chapter 1: Undignified" on Apple Music: music.apple.com/us/album/chapter-one-undignified/1…
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Angels ever sing
How good you are
We join in the chorus
Singing Holy
All of Heaven rings
With just one song
We join in the song
Singing Holy
Worthy is the lamb that was slain
Worthy is our beautiful King
Elders turn to Him
And fall on their knees
They join with creation
Singing Holy
All will bow to Him
Our righteous King
We join in with creation
Singing Holy
To the lion to the lamb
To the root of David’s throne
To the one who’s scars have won back all creation
To Christ Jesus, Messiah,
The name that stands alone
Will be the praises of a thousand generations
It’s opened, it’s finished,
The scroll was marked for Him
All the worship to the only one found worthy
Take the honour take the glory
All the power and the praise
Enthroned in majesty we’ll sing to you forever
#jesus #gospel #worship
Written by Joel Barber, Joe Langford, Emily Lacey, Jillian Turner and Anna Hamilton
© 2024 Chroma Worship