Finished MAP: • I'm Not Afraid Of The Dark/ The Compl...
MAP Call: • Missi MAP Announcement/ [CLOSED!]
Song: • The Murder of Jane Crow - I'm Not Afr...
I've been a fan of Daria Cohen ever since I was probably twelve. I absolutely adored her animations and have followed her for a while, so imagine my absolute shock seeing that I was accepted into this MAP. It's literally such an honor,, even though I NEVER animate humans (or vampires), I don't like animating humans, and it's difficult for me to animate humans. But I pulled through because I just HAD to finish this.
I asked if I was allowed to post this and I didn't receive an answer so if this video disappears, it's because I wasn't supposed to show the part yet fhdjkjrkjt let's hope that doesn't happen..
FPS: 10
Frames: 31
Sub Count: 6,710