Whether a rescue or a show dog, a pedigree or a mutt, you can't help falling in love with Randal Ford's dog portraits, as each evokes the unparalleled bond we feel for our greatest companions.
"Good Dog" captures the warmth, humor, and unconditional love that is at the heart of every dog. From mutts beaming with charisma and charm to show dogs exuding grace and elegance, Ford's 150 dog portraits bring out the dog lover in all of us. This warm, tender, playful, and heartfelt collection of dog portraits gives us a beautiful look into the lives of our most cherished companions.
About The Author:
Randal Ford's works have appeared on the cover of Time magazine, twenty different Texas Monthly covers, and the cover of Communication Arts, the advertising industry's most prestigious publication. His works have been commissioned and collected across the globe. Few photographers in the world have photographed as many animals in studio as Ford. His first book, The Animal Kingdom (Rizzoli), was named an Amazon.com Best Photography Book of 2018.
Publish Date: October 6, 2020
Publisher: Rizzoli
Price: $40.00
ISBN: 978-1-59962-148-7