► Hear the other point of view at the arXiv.blog here: blogs.cornell.edu/arxiv/2018/12/11/a-brief-note-on…
► RNAAS homepage: iopscience.iop.org/journal/2515-5172
► PhysicsToday article about RNAAS: physicstoday.scitation.org/do/10.1063/PT.6.1.20171…
► arXiv's moderation policy: arxiv.org/help/moderation
► arXiv's goals: arxiv.org/help/general
► Our earlier video about the Bayesian prior for single transiters: • Single and Unconstrained
► Columbia University Department of Astronomy: www.astro.columbia.edu/
► Cool Worlds Lab website: coolworlds.astro.columbia.edu/
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