The CIA's declassified 'Gateway Process' report from 1983 reveals intriguing insights into the potential of human consciousness and how to awaken it. In this video, we'll explore the Stargate project and other groundbreaking experiments that investigated altered states of awareness. Learn how these methods, once used for out-of-body experiences and enhanced perception, could unlock hidden dimensions of the mind and connect with universal energy fields.
Discover how techniques such as meditation, binaural beats, and brainwave synchronization can enhance perception and access expanded states of consciousness.
I will also invite you to practice a technique inspired by Jacobo Grinberg, aimed at deepening your connection to these extraordinary realms and to access expanded states of consciousness.
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🎵 Music:
Music used (YouTube):
"Horizons" by Scott Buckley
Scott Buckley YouTube: / @ScottBuckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
"There Was A Time" by Scott Buckley
Scott Buckley YouTube: / @ScottBuckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
'Eternal Focus (Deep Relaxing Music for Stress Relief, Going to Sleep)' by
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