How to Diagnose & Fix most Problems with a 2 Cycle / 2 Stroke Engine. This engine had so many things wrong with it that I thought it would be a good teaching video to learn most every problem you can run into with a 2 cycle engine and how to repair it.
You will learn how to diagnose and fix:
Engine Bogs or won't start
How to disassemble, clean & rebuild a 2 cycle carburetor.
How to remove & clean or replace the fuel filter.
How to remove & clean or replace the fuel tank vent.
How to adjust / tune the high and low side fuel adjustment screws.
How to check for spark.
How to remove, gap & replace the ignition coil.
How to check and clean the spark arrestor.
How to check compression and what is good or bad compression.
How to tell if a piston and cylinder wall is scored.
... and much more.
I think you will learn almost everything you need to figure out why a 2 cycle engine won't start, runs poorly, misses, won't throttle up, bogs down, etc.. Whether you have a string trimmer, blower, tiller, chainsaw or other 2 stroke engine equipment, I think this video will teach you most everything you need to know to fix your equipment and keep them in good working condition.
#2cycle #smallenginerepair #smallengine
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Although I have been following these procedures for many years; I assume no liability for any damage that may occur to any person or property as a result of the information provided in this video. I take necessary precautions (that I am aware of) when working on these projects but that in no way implies or creates any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any kind of particular result. Any injury, damage or loss of any kind to anyone or their property or anything related to information in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Helping U Online (this video).