I rebuilt all of Awesamedude's redstone designs you can learn to build them yourself! These are my recreations from what I could see from live stream VODs. They may not be exactly the same as I don't have any way of knowing if they are...
Thank you for 200 subs! We're on our way up...
My Simple Prison Design #1 - • I Built a Better Prison than the DREA...
My Simple Prison Design #2 - • NEW INESCAPABLE PRISON! Better than D...
RFK Walter's 7x7 piston door: • Tutorial: Fast 7x7 Double Vault Door ...
Download link (Still works in 1.16) - http://www.mediafire.com/file/ehnh951...
Credit to RFK Walter
0:00 - Intro
0:50 - Automatic Portal
2:54 - Locker Room
6:34 - Harming Potion Trap
8:26 - Rising Bridge
10:36 - Lava Flying Machine
12:40 - Final Flying Machine
Discord: / discord