If you do anything online, there’s always some risk that your privacy or data could be compromised. Hackers are a real thing, and so is identity theft. Thankfully, there are some simple steps you can take to protect yourself and your business online.
Why does this matter? What’s the worst that can happen?
Identity fraud
Account hacked, like Facebook
Hacked ≠ Cloned
Credit card information stolen
Website hacked (and you might not even know it for a while) – episode 15
What are ways to keep your accounts and passwords safe?
Use a password manager like Lastpass or Onepass
Use strong passwords and different passwords for each account
Use dual-factor authentication, either texts or an authenticator app
Three factors: Something you know, something you have, something you are
How can people keep their online information secure?
Check your privacy settings on each platform; know what information you’re sharing
Watch what information your share online, especially social media & email
The browser and email client you use matter.
How does this apply to businesses?
Keep your customer data safe.
Keep your customers feeling safe.
So your business doesn’t lose money or credibility
Episode show notes: www.greenmellenmedia.com/podcasts/privacy-security…