“Birds of a Feather” is a piece that honors friendship, teamwork and a sense of family that comes from skating with your friends. Performed by Culver Ice Productions at The Skating Edge Ice Arena in Torrance, California, July 2024.
Choreography by Koko Hirano and Ami Michelle
Costumes by Dancers Warehouse dancerswarehouse.net/
Directed by Crystalrose Guerra, Head Coach of Culver Ice Productions
Culver Ice Productions on Instagram: instagram.com/culvericeproductions
Song: "Birds of a Feather" by @BillieEilish
Filmed by Jordan Cowan of On Ice Perspectives instagram.com/oniceperspectives
Jordan Cowan is a freelance camera operator and skating cinematographer, who creates videos with skaters from all levels and backgrounds to spread appreciation for skating around the world. On Ice Perspectives is made possible by your support. Learn how to become a supporter at: patreon.com/oniceperspectives
Contact: oniceperspectives.com/contact
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