#IndieMusicLabel#NehaSharma #DarshanRaval #TuHai #DarshanRaval #NehaSharma #PrakritiGiri #Dubai #NewSong2024 #IndieMusicLabel
The perfect soundtrack to showcase moments of love and connection gets a beautiful Lofi spin.
Music Composer: Darshan Raval
Singer : Darshan Raval & Prakriti Giri
Lyrics: Gurpreet Saini
Music Producer: Lijo George
Backing Vocals designed and performed by Aniruddh Anantha
Guitars: Arbaaz Khan
Flute : Tejas Vinchurkar
Mix and Master: Shadab Rayeen at New Edge Studio
Assistant engineers: Pukhraj, Anup, Ehsan & Siddhant
Vocal Recorded at Dz Studio
Remixer: Trosk
Follow Trosk: www.instagram.com/troskmusic
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