#mars #perseverance #curiosity #marslife
Orbiting the sun at a distance of 141.6 million miles (210-million kilometres), Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. With a diameter of 4,228 miles (6,804 kilometres), Mars is the second smallest planet in the solar system after Mercury. Other than Earth, Mars is perhaps the most studied planet in the solar system, and when we begin to understand the Red Planet, it’s easy to see why.
The Martian surface is an alien, yet somewhat familiar, landscape. Perhaps one of the most striking aspects about Mars is its similarities to the Earth. The axis of Mars is tilted by about 25 degrees, nearly identical to Earth’s tilt. The result is that a day on Mars is only about a half hour longer than on Earth. Mars is about half the size of Earth and only about 11% the mass.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech