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纐纈歩美 Ayumi Koketsu『Limpid Flame』Trailer

纐纈歩美が6年越しに書き溜めたオリジナル曲を一挙に披露。 クールジャズ、軽快なラテン、美しいバラードなど多彩な曲を収録。
アルバム・タイトル『Limpid Flame』は、透明な炎を意味する。

This album "Limpid Flame" contains a collection of Ayumi‘s original compositions that have been written over the past six years. It includes a wide variety of songs, including cool jazz, light Latin, and beautiful ballads.
"Limpid Flame" means transparent flame. It reflects Ayumi's unique image of cool appearance and hidden passion, and also gives a sense of continuity with her first self-produced album "Aquarelle" (transparent watercolor).
The members are talented musicians who have been working together for over 10 years and understand Ayumi's works the best and express their depth to the fullest.

CD   lnk.to/limpidflame    
配信 Streaming/Download  lnk.to/limpid_flameID   

Official Site   a-koketsu.com/

纐纈歩美(alto sax) Ayumi Koketsu
佐藤浩一(piano) Koichi Sato
安田幸司(bass) Koji Yasuda
安藤正則(drums) Masanori Ando

