In Jumanji; Peter is carried off by giant red ants as Judy and Alan meet the colony of black ants they have been battling over a sacred piece of filth known as the "Bahoot." While Peter is led to believe he's going to save Judy and Alan from the "evil" black ants; Alan and Judy agree to help the black ants in order to save Peter from his "evil" red captors. When Judy convinces Alan that the impending war threatens Peter's life; they steal the Bahoot themselves; causing the two any armies to join forces against our heroes.
Season 2 Episode 2: The Red & The Black
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Judy Shepherd and her younger brother Peter discover a mysterious and magical board game called Jumanji. Once they start playing, their lives will never be the same. Sucked into a swirling vortex and emerging in the parallel jungle universe of Jumanji, they meet Alan, a fellow traveler who has been trapped in the game for 25 years. Navigating between their own “real” world and the fantasy jungle of the board game, the three companions learn and share valuable life lessons.
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