🔥 Play War Thunder for FREE and get a massive bonus pack! PC, PlayStation, and Xbox — wtplay.link/crispy 💥 WT Mobile — wtm.game/crispyconcords
I went on Omegle for a week straight... I met a bunch of strangers and even ran into some familiar faces. Taking a small break from this site after this but the next few vids are gonna be insane haha
Glad to be back! New vids every Sunday!
Join my Discord! - discord.gg/crispy
My Links:
Twitter: twitter.com/Crispy
Instagram: instagram.com/Crispy
Snapchat: CrispyConcords
Intro 0:00
Day 1 0:53
War Thunder Ad 5:02
Rest of Day 1 6:27
Day 2 12:03
Day 3 18:00
Day 4 26:33
Day 5 40:20
Day 6 53:28
Day 7 1:03:20