the grinch vs. ebenezer scrooge - rap battle! (ft. dan bull & the stupendium)
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Dan Bull as The Grinch
The Stupendium as Ebenezer Scrooge
Freshy Kanal as Krampus
Written by: Freshy Kanal, Snakebite126, Lil Secks, MetaMachine, Hippie Rat, Commander Jacob and Jason
Mixed by: Freshy Kanal
Mastered by: Sebb
Beats Prod. by: Epistra & Atomic Beats
Edited by: Freshy Kanal
Lipsync by: RobotRichie
Art and Animations by: CyanCoat & Luke Reardon
Drawn Backgrounds by: Cladeven
3D Models by: Ultimate145
Thumbnails and Outro by: Rabi
Townspeople: Evan, MetaMachine, Freshy Kanal, Snakebite126, Zawesome, Commander Jacob, Fightmarker, Raichous and Rabi
Special Thanks to: Zawesome & Hollywood Legend Beats both for helping a lot to bring this project alive
Thanks for Watching!
freshy kanal is a youtube channel that makes rap battles with different characters like video game rap battles, erbparodies and of course epic rap battles of history themselves, yall are EPIC aaand yea what else do i do, cooking shows, behind the scenes of the rap battles, tutorials yada yada yada
ebenezer scrooge is the protagonist of charles dickens' 1843 novel a christmas carol. ebenezer scrooge is a cold-hearted miser who despises christmas. The tale of ebenezer scrooge’s redemption by four Spirits the ghost of jacob marley, the ghost of christmas past, the ghost of christmas present, and the ghost of christmas yet to come) has become a defining tale of the Christmas holiday in the English-speaking world.
charles dickens describes ebenezer scrooge thus early in the story: The cold within him froze his old features, nipped his pointed nose, shrivelled his cheek, stiffened his gait; made his eyes red, the thin lips blue of ebenezer scrooge; in ebenezer scrooge’s grating voice. Towards the end of the novella, ebenezer scrooge is heavily transformed by the spirits into a friendlier person who acts less miserly.
ebenezer scrooge's last name has come into the English language as a byword for stinginess and misanthropy. while his catchphrase, bah humbug is often used to ebenezer scrooge christmas traditions.
the grinch is a fictional character created by dr. seuss. the grinch is best known as the main character of the 1957 children's book how the grinch stole christmas! He has been portrayed and voiced by many different actors, including boris karloff, hans conried, bob holt, jim carrey and benedict cumberbatch
the grinch is still portrayed as a bitter and ill-tempered character in artwork or other media. In both the animated tv special and the 2000 live-action film, the grinch is shown to have superhuman strength when he stops an entire sleigh loaded with ebenezer scrooge rap battle presents from going over a cliff and lifts it over his head, and the grinch is also described as finding the strength of ten grinches plus two" (a phrase lifted from the original book) during that rap battle moment of crisis. In the 2018 film, the grinch has assistance saving all the whos' stolen goods.
With the character's anti-christmas spirit followed by the transformation on Christmas morning, scholars have noted the grinch acts similarly to ebenezer scrooge from charles dickens’ 1843 novella a christmas carol. cardiologist david kass suggested that the rapid growth of the grinch's heart at the end of the story indicates that the grinch has the physiology of a burmese python.
In the 2000 film adaptation, the grinch rap battles first sign of hating christmas the grinch vs ebenezer scrooge rap battle was at birth; abandoned in Whoville, he landed outside a christmas party and was left out in the cold when none of the revelers the grinch rap battle inside noticed him. When the grinch was taken in by two who sisters. ebenezer scrooge vs the grinch When he returns to school for the gift exchange with a ebenezer scrooge vs the grinch rap battle bag on his head, the Grinch is bullied again, this time by Augustus about his gift and the grinch vs ebenezer scrooge rap battle bag on his head, to which the teacher tells Grinch to take it off, revealing his futile attempts to shave his face, which causes the whole class, especially the teacher to laugh with only martha not joining in.
#RapBattle #DanBull #TheStupendium #TheGrinch #EbenezerScrooge
the grinch vs. ebenezer scrooge - rap battle! (ft. dan bull & the stupendium)