I Build an EPIC FIRE & EPOXY Table with a $4,000 Slab 🔥. This one was a challenge. I had to channel my “you got this” mentality with the help of #WahlGrooming. We hit a ton of roadblocks and speed bumps, but we think it turned out great.
In partnership with Wahl Grooming Hair Clippers and @WahlHomeProducts. #YouGotThis #HairClippers #HomeHaircutting
Check out some more Epic EPOXY Projects!
HUGE 60L Epoxy Live Edge River Table! : youtube.com/watch?v=9EZJB...
-CRAZY Epoxy Waterfall River Table Build 🌊 : youtube.com/watch?v=JwedK...
CRAZY Epoxy LAVA TABLE Build! 🌋 : youtube.com/watch?v=Naq9w...
-EPIC Live Edge & Epoxy Reception Desk Build : youtube.com/watch?v=M1yU7...
Here are some other EPOXY videos you may enjoy!
5 EPOXY Tips I Wish I Knew As A Beginner! : youtube.com/watch?v=OG9mr...
10 EPOXY Mistakes Beginners Make : youtube.com/watch?v=nSQFz...
MERCHANDISE -shop.johnmalecki.com/
PLANS - www.johnmalecki.com/digital-p...
SAFETY GLASSES - geni.us/4h6xaM (Amazon)
Proudly Supported By:
Woodcraft - bit.ly/JM_Woodcraft2020
Timberland PRO - bit.ly/JM_TimberlandPRO
BITS & BITS - bit.ly/JM-Bits CODE - MALECKI15 = 15% Off
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Woodworking Tools - kit.co/JohnMaleckiBuilds/wood...
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Favorite Finishes - kit.co/JohnMaleckiBuilds/fini...
My Camera Gear - kit.co/JohnMaleckiBuilds/came...
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