We spend around a third of our lives sleeping. But many people struggle with insomnia or have difficulty staying asleep, and research shows that bad sleep can increase the risk of multiple health conditions. How harmful is bad sleep to our health? And what can we do about it?
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Jonny Dymond speaks with Professor Russell Foster, Director of the Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute at the University of Oxford, and author and sleep expert Dr Nerina Ramlakhan about how people can get enough sleep.
00:00 Intro
01:02 How did you sleep?
01:24 What are circadian rhythms?
02:07 What's the optimal amount of sleep?
02:59 What causes poor sleep?
04:15 "We've lost the ability to slow down"
06:10 Anxiety and sleep
06:48 Waking up at night should not be a problem
07:55 Is bad sleep bad for you?
09:24 Sleep and mental health
10:24 Poor sleep and dementia
11:25 The importance of daylight
12:09 Nightshifts and sleep patterns
14:25 Top tips for sleep
17:33 Phones v books
18:26 Goodbye
Image credit: Getty/Guido Mieth
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