This is the Ultimate Weapon Guide for Monster Hunter Wilds, including a weapon tier list.
Intro 0:00
Greatsword 1:12
Sword & Shield 2:04
Hammer 2:58
Lance 3:50
Switch Axe 4:35
Insect Glaive 5:25
Heavy Bowgun 6:09
Longsword 6:45
Dual Blades 7:40
Hunting Horn 8:24
Gun Lance 9:14
Charge Blade 9:53
Light Bowgun 10:44
Bow 11:24
Weapon Tier List 12:14
Outro 16:50
What are the BEST weapons in Monster Hunter Wilds? With 14 unique weapons to choose from, this decision can seem difficult especially for any beginners to the series. Your weapon choice will determine how you play the game and it has a big effect on your overall experience. If you go in blindly and choose a weapon that is incompatible with your playstyle it could possibly make your experience less enjoyable. At the end of the day, there really os no BEST weapon in Monster Hunter. The BEST weapon is going to be the one you have the most fun playing with. Luckily for you guys this weapon guide is designed to provide you with an overview of each weapon, how it plays, pros and cons and I even included my own personal weapon tier list at the end, for those you looking for weapons with the most valuable perks. I feel like Monster Hunter Wilds is going to be the first Monster Hunter game for a lot of people this year. I know many veterans to the series are excited for this new entry but it’s never too late for anyone to start playing these incredible games and what better way to start than a fresh, next-gen Monster Hunter game. It feels incredible to play and I’m sure many of you are excited to sink Hundreds of hours into it. Let’s get started...
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