a very beautiful song I came across yesterday, its simple yet so amazing!
Support Patrick James here:
Fabecook: www.facebook.com/musicofpatrickjames
TouYube: / @musicpatrickjames
Dounscloud: soundcloud.com/patrick_james_music
Wobsite: www.patrickjames.co/
Tweeter: twitter.com/patrickjamesmus
Picture: aquasixio.deviantart.com/art/As-time-goes-by-47183…
To the artists: I featured your song so that more people can hear it, if you want me to remove it, please email me. Sorry to bother you :(
Creep out Mammal Man here:
Fabecook: www.facebook.com/MammalMan4u
Dounscloud: soundcloud.com/mammal_man4u
Bye, bye Mammal Man was here!